Monday, February 17, 2025

Blazing Hippogryph

Blazing Hippogryph


1/264 booster packs

Blazing Hippogryph
Mount (Account-wide)
Requires Apprentice Riding
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. The capabilities of this mount depend on your Riding skill and location.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Blazing Hippogryph. The capabilities of this mount depend on your Riding skill and location.

"Hippogryphs are highly intelligent, sentient beings; far more than mere "mounts.""

For the past couple years, many players have wanted the flaming Phoenix mount from "The Eye" in Netherstorm. Well, now players will be able to get their own flaming mount of glory if they are lucky enough to acquire the Blazing Hippogryph card loot card, gaining an in game mount known as the [Blazing Hippogryph]. This mount is an epic flying mount, so only ridable/learnable at level 60. The mount looks like other Hippogryphs, but its feathers are red and some of covered in flames. The mount leaves very short transparent glowing wisps of dark red fire, and is a very rare and beautiful mount. For bids, this mount is as low as $45 USD, but its normal bidding price is between $100 and $200 USD. As for the "Buy It Now!" feature, the price steeply rises to $230 to $250 USD.

Buy It Now S&H Qty Origin Ending
  $475.96 USD
$0.00 1 CA 6 days 23 hours
  $488.88 USD
$0.00 1 / 2 CN 6 days 23 hours
  $550.00 USD
$0.00 1 US 6 days 23 hours
  $1000.00 USD
$0.00 1 US 6 days 23 hours

About the Wrathgate Expansion

After the depature of Upper Deck from the WoW TCG series, Cryptozoic has taken over the WoW Trading Card Game. Introducing "Wrathgate" as its launch expansion, this new expansion marks the eleventh set in the franchise for Blizzard. The new cards feature a new look for the cards, as well as featuring a number of Warcraft lore heroes like Highlord Tirion Fording and many new Wrathgate materials that will allow you to craft new armor and weapons for your heroes to do battle with.

As with every new expansion from the WoW TCG series, they have also included 3 new loot cards with the expansion with increased "drop chances" out of the booster packs, which is a nice improvement over their predecessors. Up for grabs this time around we have the: